Graduate student Alberto Tiraferri receives the American Chemical Society Environmental Chemistry Graduate Student Award. Read about it in ES&T.
Engineered osmosis has been featured on the cover and as the main story (pages 22-25) of Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science inaugural issue of its digital...
Jessica’s award-winning electron micrograph image entitled, “Squid suckers: The Little Monsters That Feed the Beast” is now part of a traveling exhibition. After...
Graduate student Katherine Zodrow is awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
Meny delivered a plenary lecture at the IWA Membrane Technology Conference in Beijing, China (September 1-3, 2009) entitled “Recent Advances in Membrane Technology”. For...
Graduate student Meagan Mauter is awarded the prestigious Abel Wolman Doctoral Fellowship, granted by the American Water Works Association. Read about the fellowship here.
The Elimelech Lab’s paper entitled: “Transport of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Porous Media: Filtration Mechanisms and Reversibility” makes ES&T’s “Best...
Meny gave a keynote speech for the World Water Day symposium in Seoul, Korea entitled: “The Green New Deal and Sustainable Water Purification Technologies.” He also gave a...
Graduate student Meagan Mauter receives the American Chemical Society Environmental Chemistry Graduate Student Award. Read about the award here.
Yale’s engineered osmosis technology is featured in MIT’s Technology Review. Read the article “A Low-Energy Water Purifier,” published Jan. 8. 2009.